Sunday, September 7, 2008

Jument Bai, Mare


Anonymous said...

Elle est superbe cette jument à la robe brun roussâtre.

Bon dimanche

Anonymous said...

Qu'il est beau ce cheval !

Anonymous said...

Une jument qui a un air doux et gentil et d'un beau coloris.
Bisous et bonne fin de dimanche!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I found your signature at Midwest Blog! Cute horse on your page! The reason i went to your page is because, when i was in high school, our family hosted an exchange student from France - Chevry por Ain, i believe is where she was from. She had a horse at home and really enjoyed our horses and our trips with the horses to the back country. Feel free to visit my blog!

Anonymous said...

un beau regard!

Anonymous said...

Merci pour ton passage, superbes ces chevaux
bon lundi