Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sweet pony, douce ponette

Bonjour, c'est moi que vous cherchez ?
Hello, is it me you're looking for ?
Holà, me esta buscando ?


Anonymous said...

elle a le regard triste, mais elle est belle !

Anonymous said...

What a sweet pony face!
Thanks for visiting Middle of the Road. You asked about the Flying Horseshoe and i am not aware of any legend concerning the name. I really hadnt thought about it. The ranch house is 100 years old, which is old by our standards, although i realize that it isnt unusual in some parts of France to have homes that old.

Anonymous said...

pas l'air endiablé celui là, plutôt l'air endormi.

Elie said...

oh! Mais il est trop chou celui-là!
Belle nuit¨!

Anonymous said...

Bon week-end à la ponette et à tous nos amis à quattre pattes...
Et bon week-end à toi "cheval endiablé"