Pensez à venir cliquer sur le logo de Clic Animaux une fois par jour. C'est gratuit et grâce à la publicité, ils peuvent nourrir des animaux abandonnés. Come and click on "Clic Animaux" on the right bottom of this page. It's FREE ! It will help to feed abandoned animals. Komm und auf dem Knopf "Clic Animaux" klicken. Es ist kostenlos ! Es wird helfen, aufgegebene Tiere zu füttern.
Daniela and Rebel
A semi busy day. The temperature rose to about 54 degrees, more snow
melted, Alice was here for Spa Day and Buddy and Rebel were naked.
After morning c...
le Chemin des Queules...
*Bibracte, Mont Beuvray (Morvan, Bougogne), le 13.09.2023 à 16h29Cet arbre
impressionnant est un Hêtre commun, Fagus sylvatica. Le nom vernaculaire
14 Ways to STOP Police Brutality
14 Ways to Stop Police Brutality and Bring back GOOD Cops 1. *Hold
cops accountable* to at least the same standards as everyone else. For
It's seems I only post once a year lately. Just a bit busy. We've recently
had a lot of change. Stephen and I are going strong and He and Zoe continue
Post-show ponderings…
After our big show, I took a few days off from riding, but I can’t seem to
stop thinking about shows! lol Last week, I got some unfortunate news from
my co...
[image: Portable vaporizers]
Portable Vaporizers I want to chat a little bit concerning how to obtain
the finest results from your vaporizer. These few p...
1920s Self Year In History Prints 1920 to 1929
Help Support This Project by checking out our The People History
Print Your Own 1920 to 1929
Year In History Print .
Click On The Image to Enlarge then ...
Sunday Stills: Yellow Flowers
The Daffodils
Verse 1
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daf...
La Roche de Solutré (Monts du Mâconnais)
*Le 16.06.2011 à 14H09*
*Daniel* s’est lancé dans une série "Paysage de France"... La France c’est
sa géologie, son sol, son climat et aussi ce que l’homme...
Le blog Jura sauvage est mort, vive le nouveau blog
J'ai choisi de ne plus alimenter ce blog. Mais rassurez vous, un nouveau
blog voit le jour. Celui-ci est directement intégré à mon site web: link
Cliquez et vous irez voir celle qui me l'a décerné. Clic and you see who have give this to me.
Brillante Weblog.
Cliquez dessus et vous irez voir qui me l'a décerné. Clic and you see who have give this to me.
Award : Van Gogh's ear, récompense : L'oreille de Van Gogh
Ceci est l'oreille de Van Gogh, il m'a été décerné par.... ( Cliquez sur l'award pour aller voir le Bloggeur )/ This is the ear of Van Gogh, It's ( click on the picture to go to the Blogger ) who has awarded me with that
Glad to see you are back. Great photo. And thanks for all the comments!
wonder what caught his eye? nice picture.
A glance on a sun filled day. I always wonder what they are looking at that has caught their attention.
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