Friday, May 23, 2008

Un papy

C'est un joli poney rouan mais son grand âge le rend plus blanc. Il tourne autour de la trentaine.
It's a old-timer pony. His coat becomes white with time. He is around thirty years.
Es ist ein Oldtimer-Pony. Sein Mantel wird weiß mit Zeit. Er ist um dreißig Jahre.
Es un viejo poni. Su abrigo se hace blanco con el tiempo. Tiene alrededor de treinta años.


Elie said...

Ben on y passe tous au gris! Lui ça a pas l'aire de le dérangé!
Belle journée!

Lori Skoog said...

Bonjour again....Shennandoah is a mare who was a Preliminary Eventing horse. She did dressage, cross country, and stadium jumping very well. I retired her for some friends 12 years ago so they could buy a new horse. She is the most educated horse I have, but has not been ridden for the last 3 years. Thank you for your interest.
Lori Skoog